Micha Those Who Fear Tomorrow

by Integrity

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:06 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Those Who Fear Tomorrow

Song Author


Tabbed by

SasKeee / alejo289linkin@gmail.com


1st → Pista 1
2nd → Percusi�n
3rd → Pista 2

File Size

8 KB




You can take a man Free him from no garbage can No one can ever see No one can escape You are going to... You will feel the wrath As you fear tomorrow I'm gonna take you down When I want, in and out Nothing can save your misery Don't know shit about me You think you do You don't know anything Sink to the bottom All hell breaking loose Feel the wrath One time in your life Cutting like a knife Feel the wrath As you fear tomorrow There is nothing Left for you now You think you have it all Don't have anything One time in your life Fear the knife Fear the wrath You motherfuckers


I'M WALKING ON SHUNSHINE MOFO! My blog ->www.mestizajemusical.com.ar esto fue todo para CNN en espa�ol reportando alejo desde argentina para todo el worldwideweb.